We want to share this with you – Learn “How To Convert” the four bolt (Rope seal) twin cam Lotus sump to the six bolt modern lip seal design. Yes, it can be done.
This is an excellent “How To” guide for the keen DIY builder fabricator. We reveal the conversion tricks and info, so that you can tackle this project your self.
You’ll be soon learning the tricks about how to do this neat conversion.
If you have been looking forward to this special and hard to find information, then grab your copy today, read, then get stuck into your own money saving DIY 4 bolt to 6 bolt sump conversion project, and save many hundreds of dollars in the process.
Most elan owners know what a four bolt sump looks like, the seal is just a basic and simple rope seal, that habitually leaks oil everywhere… not a good look.
But you can change all of that by doing some really cool modifications with the installation of a new, and modern lip type of crankshaft seal, commonly known as the six bolt type… named after the later crankshaft that fastens the flywheel to the crank with six bolts, instead of four.
But please understand, if you change the seal arrangement you will also need the later six bolt crankshaft. This is the kind of project one would undertake during a complete engine rebuild project. (Maybe also in conjunction with the gated and baffled sump conversion).
At elantrikbits we’ve completed several sump conversions for Australian customers, as well as people from UK, and France, yes, the sumps were shipped out here, modified, then shipped back to the international customers.
While working on the various conversion projects, we took many detailed photographs, and wrote down a lot of notes to publish in our ebook, now you can learn more about the entire conversion process.
There is absolutely no way we can ever handle all of the sump conversions that people may want done, so we’ve compiled the information into a downloadable ebook that you can purchase, read and learn how to convert the old four bolt sumps over to the later six bolt lip seal.
It is worth the time and effort, because Lotus twin cam sumps have now become very hard to find, and the price of original sumps seem to be going through the roof, you should jump on this now before it is too late.
Below – Antiquated Rope Seal Four Bolt Sump ready for conversion.

Below – Sump Converted/Updated To Six Bolt Lip Seal-awaiting sand and bead blasting for clean up and finally, a coat of paint.

Want To Grab Your ebook Copy Of the Four Bolt to Six Bolt Sump Conversion?
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Why Not Grab the How To Build Gated Baffled Book while You Are here. https://elantrikbits.com/gated-baffled-sump/